Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You must meet Peri. It's that simple.

Peri is no ordinary girl. She is the kind of girl who makes good use of the love she's been given.
Just ask her little sister, Chloe. If these two had their own reality T.V. show about all their adventures, I would watch it faithfully.

Basically, Peri is adorable, and she's attracted a rather lovely group of friends. I'm crazy about the way that they care for one another.

You can meet Peri through her blog, a look at our world.

This girl is a bluebird in flight; a great example of strength of character, and Christlike love. Peri, you are phenomenal.
Photos via Peri's blog.


  1. Agreed! I love her. I remember confessing one time that I dreamed of being a teenager in America instead of a teenager in Scotland. I always wanted to go to an American school and have cute American friends. When I look at Peri's pictures of her adventures and friends and family it's like they're straight out of my adolescent dreams! I love it!

  2. Oooh she's so cute!! I'd love to be a bluebird someday. :)

  3. you should keep up with this blog!
    i'm sure it will be a huge hit!
    <3 j.peri
